We want you to get the care you deserve

Transforming hormonal healthcare

Harmony HRT is a medical clinic specializing in hormone replacement therapy. Harmony HRT was started by Dr. Amy Bratteli in 2021 in response to the need for evidence-based, effective hormone replacement therapy for all that was affordable and responsibly prescribed.

We provide evaluation and treatment for menopause, andropause, PMS (premenstrual syndrome), PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome), metabolic syndrome, thyroid dysfunction (with or without abnormal labs), as well as gender-affirming hormone replacement therapy. We are happy to work with you on your symptoms to see if hormone replacement or optimization may be helpful.


Transformational Nurse Coaching

Transformational Nurse Coaching is also available with Nicole Wilke, ANP.  Transformational Nurse Coaching is taking the coaching process, along with Nicole’s skill set as a Registered Nurse and Nurse Practitioner, and her desire to approach Health and Wellness from a holistic standpoint and applying it to her clients and their goals to help be an agent of change.

As a Nurse Coach, she meets her clients where they are, knowing they are the expert in their life. She works alongside her clients to help them determine what their health goals are, and they work collectively to create steps to reach their goals.

As Nurse Coaching is rooted in different professions, Nicole is not a Therapist, Dietician, Nutritionist or Personal Trainer. And since she is not the expert in her client’s lives, she and the client are able to cover topics ranging from health, fitness, finances, relationships, self-care and beyond.

COVID-19 Procedures

We follow the CDC Community Guidelines (CDC COVID-19 by County). In the interest of keeping or staff and patients healthy, masks are required when the COVID-19 Community Level for Mesa County is HIGH/ORANGE. Masks are otherwise optional. If you have recently received a positive COVID-19 test or are experiencing fever, cough, shortness of breath or loss of taste or smell before your scheduled appointment, please let our staff know and we can reschedule you or move you to a telehealth appointment.

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